Velox 40320 Sounder Beacon (Velox)

      A selection of various tones and adjustable sound output volume allows installation and application of the VELOX range of sounders in different environments. Different tone patterns can be set to
      identify alert and evacuation signals. Tones for applications such as BS fire tone, DIN tone and Dutch fire tone can be selected from the fire alarm control panel and programmed for different situations and with different time variations.
      A rotary volume control at the rear of the devices allows setting up of the tone volumes according
      to different requirements and applications.
      The devices are powered from the same fire detection loop which connects the fire alarm control panel, detectors, beacons, manual call points, etc.
      Therefore,additional power supply sources are not required.

      Loop powered high output (up to 100dBA) intelligent wall mounted sounder with integrated LED beacon.

      • Compliant with EN54-3:2000 A1:2002, A2:2006 EN54-17:2005
      • Inbuilt short-circuit isolator
      • Automatic & Manual addressing features
      • Up to 100 dB output at 1 m
      • Fully synchronized tones
      • Programmable tones from the fire alarm control panel
      • Selectable flash rate and light output intensity

      Brand: Velox